Segera Pesan
The Legend of Pulo Brayan
Rp. 50.000.-
Penulis M. Putra Hadi Batubara
Basri Dodi Simatupang
Editor Syamsul Bahri, S.S., M.Hum.
Halaman: i – viii +72 halaman
Ukuran: 14×21 cm
Sampul: Full Cover
ISBN 978-602-1239-30-8
Tahun Terbit: 2020
Pesan sekarang
Kategori: Fiksi, Naskah drama
There was a stream of the Deli river which used to be a commercial ship that sailed from the estuary to the headwaters of the river to distribute merchandise in the form of food, clothing, household appliances, ceramics, and glassware. The traders by utilizing the Deli river channel from the Belawan sea waters into the river mouth carrying fisheries and plantation products. Vice versa from upstream to the estuary to take a cruise through the Strait of Malacca carrying plantation products in the form of spices that are needed. Including cloves, tobacco, and pepper, much needed Dutch nationality traders and foreign traders from other European countries.